Sirian-Reptilian influence and the Gurdjieff work

G. I. Gurdjieff’s works, like Carlos Castaneda’s (both had the star sign Capricorn) has had a significant impact on many Western spiritual aspirants. Some people (I have met a couple) have gone to great lengths to be accepted into one of the schools that teach Gurdjieff’s paradigm, often at quite high personal costs. The same could be said for Castaneda while he was still alive.

The Castaneda paradigm can be called a shamanic system. What is not present in shamanic systems is an overly complex mental-philosophical system. This is purely the domain of spiritual systems such as Buddhism (Zen/Chan) and Sufism. I have noticed that the philosophical aspects of Castaneda’s paradigm has some similarities with Zen Buddhism, as well as having strong similarities with spiritual philosophies within Taoism.

The Toltecs (and later Aztecs) harboured both a culture close to the Earth and one that included the highly urbanized culture of pyramid cities. Since the Toltecs (and later Aztecs) were influenced by Atlantean culture in a significant way, the influences of Atlantis entered their culture through their leadership (royalty as well as the priesthood). Castaneda himself being from Peru (which was influenced by Lemuria via the Inca) may have been able to relate to Don Juan (Castaneda’s teacher) on a certain cultural level, seeing as both Toltec/Aztec and Inca spiritual cultures had their roots in ancient civilizations.

Gurdjieff was an Armenian. Armenians are an Aramaic group that derives from Atlantis, and are kin to the ‘Berbers’ of Africa. He built a spiritual system based primarily on aspects of Hermetism and Sufism, both of which are Sirian-Reptilian systems. The Armenians and the people of the Caucus have a strong Sirian culture. The country Armenia is bordered by Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Georgia is an important country to the Ashkenazi Khazars, and has been associated with Ancient Colchis. Armenians claim to be descended from Aram, son of Shem, son of Noah. It is said that the 5 sons of Noah were responsible for the creation of the nations of Elam, Assyria, Syria, Chaldea and Lydia, of which are derived Arabic, Aramaic, Akkadian, Ethiopic (think Kushite/Nubian), Hebrew (Sephardic; also Ancient Egyptian) and Phoenician languages. This is one breakdown of Earth human groups (both groups that were influenced by non-Mesopotamian and Mesopotamian Annunaki) deriving from the Sirius star system, and thus having a very strong connection with the star Sirius.

The main story concerning Gurdjieff that I would like to focus on here has to do with a book by Gurdjieff (it was also made into a movie about him) called Meetings with Remarkable Men. The movie charts Gurdjieff’s early childhood desires to meet these ‘remarkable men’, which leads him eventually to Egypt, then to Ethiopia and India before returning to Armenia. During his search, he was led to an Armenian brotherhood called the Sarmoung Brotherhood, which is a brotherhood with a history that goes back to the ancient world. While in India he also met individuals from the ‘world brotherhood’. Gurdjieff then put together his information from Egypt, Ethiopia, India and Armenia (all of which have strong links with the traditions of Sirius) to form his paradigm.

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